363. Web-series Reviews – 178
More web-series reviews… The Asunta Case – Came out in 2024. In September 2013, the news and newspapers shocked us with a horrifying and highly publicized case. Asunta Basterra (originally Fang Yong), a 12-year-old girl of Chinese origin, had disappeared, although 24 hours later it was learned that she had really been murdered. Her body was found on a forest track near the family's country house. A review from IMDB... Great true crimes series! And please you have to watch it in the original version with subtitles, otherwise it won't work at all. With deep characters that generate a lot of interest, the cast is excellent!. The one who stands out above all of them is the wonderful and in Spain well-known actress Candela Peña, in the role of the unstable mother. It is is worth watching just to see her in the role of Rosario Porto. And of course I must also mention the role of Tristán Ulloa, really great in the role of t...