55 - Money-making Machinery
Nowadays there are so many money-making machinery available, that we do not even think about how much is made by these institutions/companies/organisations. I don’t know if these “extra” money is suitably taxed or they just end up making someone’s pocket fatter. I am just illustrating a few of them below. I have not mentioned any names as this is a generalized malaise across all the industry. First on the list are the Schools and the Colleges. In schools, many of them have started their own store where you have to buy the books, uniforms and other materials related to the school work. Since the school is availing one vendor for sourcing all these items, the schools will be getting some “huge” discount on these items. But the parents are sold all “these” items at the MRP!!! The discount that the school has worked out with the vendor, goes to fatten its own pockets!! It is another matter that most of the items are available ou...