335. Web-series Reviews – 158
More web-series reviews… Berlin – Came out in 2023. Back to his golden age before the events of "Money Heist," Berlin and a masterful gang gather in Paris to plan one of his most ambitious robberies ever. A review from IMDB... Berlin. One of the most flamboyant characters of Money Heist, deserved his own series. And sadly, it was disappointing. The series has virtually no plot apart from looting an auction house which too is very naive. Money Heist was exciting and it had on-the-toes plot and picturization. Berlin is just reduced to more of a "not-so-exciting" love-story of Berlin rather than emphasis on his brilliant, masterful mind. Apart from Pedro Alonso (Berlin) and Tristán Ulloa (Damien), nobody else stands out. Even old Money Heist characters, cameos played by Najwa Nimri (Insp. Alicia Sierra) and Itziar Ituño (Insp. Raquel Murillo) are absolutely wasted. Money Heist had characters which people sti...