58. Games - Long Jump, Slow Cycling and Blindman's Buff
In continuation to the Games series, here are three more games that I have played in the past and are quite interesting. Playing these games make you fit and also quite enjoyable to play. Long Jump – This is generally played in a ground with some 2-8 people. We used to make the 2 lines of hurdle by using our slippers!! The idea is to jump over the space, between the arrangements of players’ slippers!! See the diagram below You start with three feet of distance between the two rows of slippers, which everyone will cross, from one side to another. If anyone’s foot touches the slipper while crossing, he is declared out and is out of the game. Once when everyone has crossed, you increase the distance between the two lines to 5 feet. Keep on repeating this process of jumping and increasing till such time only one player is left who has not been declared out. He is then declared the winner. Why we need to play thi...