
Showing posts from April, 2024

326. Day 4 – Chitrakoot

The whole of last night Jayashree was vomiting and in the morning, we checked out and took her to a hospital.   It seems she had food poisoning from the food that we ate in the dhaba last evening in Prayag Raj.   She was put on drips and the doctor said the entire process would take 2-3 hours.   We had no other option but to stay there.   I asked Jayashree’s brother to take the car and visit the areas that we were supposed to see.   I was sufficient to be with Jayashree and they need not wait there. But he refused to go and said they will also wait with me there. In the meanwhile, I started to explore what all attractions were there in Chitrakoot.  I don’t know if we were ever going there again 😊 ! So, I thought let me see the attractions in Google. This way, I can also share the same with you, without seeing it myself 😊 !! Kamadgiri – Kamadgiri, by the banks of the sacred Mandakini River is the central attraction of Chitrakoot Dham and referred to as the heart of Chitrakoot Dha

325. Day 3 – Prayag Raj

After having breakfast, we checked out and left for Prayag Raj.  It was earlier known as Allahabad and the name was changed to Prayag Raj, a couple of years ago (2018 in fact 😊 ).  On the way there, some of the signposts still refer to it as Allahabad.  After a drive of about 5 hours, we reached Triveni Sangam where Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati meet each other.  From Wikipedia – In Hindu tradition, Triveni Sangam is the confluence of three rivers that is also a sacred place, with a bath here is said to flush away all of one's sins and free one from the cycle of rebirth.  At Triveni Sangam, the Ganges and the Yamuna can be identified by their different colours – the water of the Ganges is clear while that of the Yamuna is greenish in colour.  The third river, the mythical Saraswati, is called invisible.  The auspiciousness of the confluence of two rivers is referred to in the Rigveda, which says, "Those who bathe at the place where the two rivers, white and dark, flow toget

324. Day 2 – Ayodhya

From today, there was a new driver and an Ertiga a/c car with carriage at the top for the luggage.   The new driver said today we will be visiting Ayodhya.   I showed him the itinerary that I had received from the vendor and said today is Prayagraj and then the drive to Ayodhya for overnight stay.   He called someone from his office and the person did not respond.   So, he went ahead with my itinerary.   We checked out of the hotel after having breakfast and proceeded to Prayagraj.   After driving for about 60 kms, he got the call from the number he had called earlier.  That guy started getting angry over him as to why he was not going to Ayodhya.  Due to some miscommunication, they did not inform me that today was Ayodhya and Prayagraj was some days later. Anyways, we then proceeded to Ayodhya.  Reached there in the afternoon. Had lunch, at our own expense, at the hotel and then went to see the Ram mandir. It being a Sunday, there was a heavy rush with all kinds of vehicles involv

323. Day 1 – Varanasi

Since the flight was at 945am, we left the house at around 615am.  Whenever I travel by flight, I always have a meal at the airport, courtesy the facility offered by my bank’s debit card for lounge access 😊 .  There are 5 members in my immediate family, including me, and I have opened separate accounts for each one of them. So, that gives me 5 cards having lounge access 😊 !!  And since our current party was of 5 members for the trip, I took all the 5 cards.  We all had a sumptuous breakfast at the Hyderabad airport lounge and left for Varanasi. We were supposed to check-in at the hotel first and then proceed for sight-seeing.  When the driver came to pick us up, we saw that the Innova car had only 2 seats in the middle row.  And there was no carriage on top for keeping luggage.  I spoke to the vendor and he too did not know about this as he had asked another vendor to send the car. He somehow convinced us to reach the hotel in that vehicle and keep the luggage at the hotel.  And he