326. Day 4 – Chitrakoot

The whole of last night Jayashree was vomiting and in the morning, we checked out and took her to a hospital.  It seems she had food poisoning from the food that we ate in the dhaba last evening in Prayag Raj.  She was put on drips and the doctor said the entire process would take 2-3 hours.  We had no other option but to stay there.  I asked Jayashree’s brother to take the car and visit the areas that we were supposed to see.  I was sufficient to be with Jayashree and they need not wait there. But he refused to go and said they will also wait with me there.

In the meanwhile, I started to explore what all attractions were there in Chitrakoot.  I don’t know if we were ever going there again😊! So, I thought let me see the attractions in Google. This way, I can also share the same with you, without seeing it myself😊!!

Kamadgiri – Kamadgiri, by the banks of the sacred Mandakini River is the central attraction of Chitrakoot Dham and referred to as the heart of Chitrakoot Dham.  It here that Lord Rama resided along with Sita Devi and Lakshmana.  The very name Kamadgiri implies "the mountain that fulfils desires".

You can have further info here https://www.tirthayatra.org/kamadgiri-chitrakoot/

Ram Ghat – Ramghat is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Chitrakoot. The serene ghat lining the Mandakini River is where Lord Ram, Sita and Lakshman appeared in front of the famous poet Tulsidas and he used to sit on the riverside and write Ram Charitra Manas.

Ramghat is the centre of all religious activities in Chitrakoot and the most popular bathing ghat. It is believed that taking a dip at Ramghat would absolve a person of all sins. The fragrance of incense sticks and the hymn of holy chants by the saints in saffron clothes at Ramghat makes the soul calm and touched. You can go for boating in the river and enjoy the beauty of this place until the evening and attend the arti with beautiful diya lightings, sounds of bell and holy chants.

Jaanki Kund – Jaanki Kund (a small tank or reservoir) is located about 2 km from Ram Ghat, another famous tourist attraction of Chitrakoot. Janki is another name for Goddess Sita and this place has been named after her. There are two temples located just behind the kund, namely, Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple and Shree Raghuvir Temple. Across the kund lies the Pramod Van, whose presence plays a big role in enhancing the tranquillity of the place.

Devotees to this religious site in Chitrakoot hold it in the highest regard because it is believed to be the place where Goddess Sita would bathe during her stay in the jungle. In a small temple located in close proximity, you come across the footprints of Sita. This place looks clean and still, as if lost in deep meditation. The water of the Jaanki Kund is clear and transparent and devotees can be often seen taking a dip or two in it. The silence in the surroundings is interrupted by the swishing of the waters.

Bharat Milap Temple – The temple is known as the spot where Bharat met Lord Rama during his exile and persuaded him to return to Ayodhya and rule the kingdom. Legends says that the meeting of the two brothers was so overwhelming that it melted the rocks and mountains of Chitrakoot. The place known as the hill of many wonders is said to have footprints of Lord Rama and his brothers imprinted on its rocks, which are even today visited and worshipped by thousands of devotees annually.

Gupt Godavari – Situated on the outskirts of Chitrakoot, to the south of Ram Ghat, the cavern temple of Gupt Godavari comprises two mountain caves with knee-high level of water. It is said that the water is connected to River Godavari underground. Walking barefoot through the caves with the cold-water lapping at your knees is a delightful experience. The larger cave has two stone-carved thrones believed to be of Lord Rama and Lord Lakshmana. Legend has it that Lord Rama and Lord Lakshman stayed here for some time during their exile. At that time, many gods came to Chitrakoot to meet Lord Rama. Godavari, the river goddess, is also believed to have visited him by secretly appearing in the caves.

Another attraction is the Panchmukhi Shiva located outside the cave. It features an intricately carved sculpture of the holy trinity (Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva).

Hanuman Dhara – Located on a steep hillside, on top of a huge rock, this Hanuman temple has a natural spring cascading over an idol of Lord Hanuman. As per legend, Lord Rama stayed with Lord Hanuman in this temple, after Lord Hanuman set Lanka on fire and returned. Lord Rama helped him pacify his anger. Nearby, a few more shrines are dedicated to Lord Rama, Goddess Sita and Lord Lakshmana.

The temple is home to several monkeys, as is typical of any Hanuman mandir. It is approachable by a flight of 360 steps, from where splendid views of Chitrakoot can be witnessed. Generally, jasmine oil and sindoor (vermillion) are given as offerings to the lord. Small idols of Lord Hanuman are placed along the way to offer prayers.

We left the hospital at 2pm and came back to the hotel for lunch.  After lunch, we started for Varanasi and reached there by 8pm. Had dinner and slept off.

Thus ended our Day 4 of the tour.

Cheers till next time😊!!

PS – Sourced from Wikipedia and internet


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