
Showing posts from March, 2020

118. Spanish Movies

With lockdown in place, the ideal time for this blog 😊😊 !! I first came across a Spanish movie when Amitabh Bachchan’s Badla was released.   I went and saw the movie and I have written about it in an earlier blog (Blog No 68).   After seeing the movie, I got the Spanish version (The Invisible Guest) which was the movie from which Badla was copied.   I say copied, as the entire scenes were simply lifted and portrayed in the Hindi version.  The impact of the Spanish movie was such that I went to (another topic that I had mentioned about earlier, Blog No 13) and searched for other movies similar to the Invisible Guest.   It gave me a lot of options.   I started seeing those movies. You can see below the names and a brief summary.   I was simple awestruck seeing the range of thriller movies that they had come up with.   I hope whenever you find time, you will be able to see these movies and enjoy them.   The synopsis is from   The Body – “In the mi

117. Webseries – The Test – A new Era for Australia’s Cricket Team

I was waiting for writing about this along with other web-series.   But, after having binge-watched this over two days last week, I thought of writing this now itself when it is fresh in my mind.   During my childhood, I had seen the series Bodyline, which was about the bodyline tactics employed by Douglas Jardine of England against the Bradman’s Aussies.   That series was so poignant that it is still etched in my memory.   I was under the impression that no series on cricket will be more absorbing than that.   I am proved wrong with this web-series (8-part series), available in Amazon Prime.   When I first heard about this series, I thought it would be about the Ashes test between England and Australia.   But I thought wrong.   It is a documentary filmed over a period of 18 months by capturing everything that went on the dressing rooms of the team, their discussions, actual matches and other background details.   The synopsis is as under… The Australian Men’s Cricket Team h

116. Penfriendship – A lost relationship mode!!

When I was in my early-20’s, there was a craze for making pen-friends.    For those who do not know this term, it means you make friends with people by writing out to them and then wait for their reply and then write to them again 😊 .   Yes, yes, I know.   In this age of SMS’s and WhatsApps’, people would be wondering as to how in the world did people have so much free time to do such a thing 😊 and also enjoy it!! During those days, sometime during early 1990’s, the newspaper Observer was launched in Delhi.   During Sundays, it was called the Sunday Observer.   I used to subscribe to that newspaper only on Sundays as they had a column for pen-friends.   The column provided the details like Name, Address and Hobbies of people who wanted to have pen-friendship.   They used to publish this and anyone interested in you can write to you and you can start the pen-friendship with them. I sent in my details and it got published. I did not know that this paper also had a tie-up with G

115. A new way of reading books and Bollywood tidbits

Just to clear that I do not endorse any product or make you buy something for my gain.   If I find something that looks or feel good, and I am able to enjoy the benefits, I just share it with you so that you may also use it and enjoy the benefits.   Like I had mentioned earlier in my blogs about how to watch movies for free in theaters every month, how to get free food at airport lounges and other such blogs.   Please feel free to try it and then only go for any of my recommendations.   There are lot of good deals available in the world, one should just know where to find it 😊 !! I already have a subscription that gives me access to more than 1000’s of magazines and newspapers across the world.   I have also shared the subscription with some of my relatives and friends who are also using the same subscription it to read the magazines from their homes 😊 .   I pay just Rs 999 per year and can access all these magazines on my devices, be it on iPad, Android Tablet, mobile or PC!!