170. Saripalli, Ramatheertham and Jami Vruksham

This blog is on the final 3 places that we visited. The first one is in Saripalli, which has the Dibbi Lingeshwar Swamy (Lord Shiva) temple, constructed between the seventh and tenth century by the Chalukyas. There is only a very mall temple here in a small park. The site is maintained by Archaeological Survey of India and has one person maintaining it. The temple in a park The Lingam inside the temple On one side of the temple On the other side Some sculptures that were there in the park These sculptures look like they might have fallen off the temple. The next place is Ramatheertham. There is a 1000-year-old Sri Rama temple here. As per the Legends, In Dwaparayuga, when Pandavas exiled from the Kingdom, they prayed to Lord Krishna for support during their Vanavasam. Krishna gave the Idols of Sita, Rama, Lakshmana and had asked Pandavas to worship these deities. As instructed by the Lord, Pandavas used to worship these idols. Pandavas while moving to a differ...