
Showing posts from November, 2019

101. Interview Anecdotes – 1

Interview is something I have not been able to ace at all throughout my life.   Yes, yes, I know.   You will be wondering as to how I became so successful (I think I have done reasonably well in life 😊 ), without having aced any interview at all 😊 !!   When I started to think about on this subject, I found that whenever there had been a mention of an interview, I have fared very badly during the interaction.   If you just change the word “interview” and replace it with “meet and talk”, then it seems I have done fairly well and have come out successful 😊!! I have come to realise that whenever the interviewer has trusted me and taken me aboard, I have done reasonably well in whatever post I was selected for.   If I was not able to ace the interview it seems that I was not destined to do it and that is the reason why I could not ace it 😊 .   It is always in hindsight that you feel that everything is destined to happen the way it should happen!!   Sometimes, remembering the past

100. Time spent with my Mother-in-Law 😊😊 – Part 3

Another blog on this subject with food being the main topic 😊 !! Sometimes my mother-in-law would sleep till 930am or so.   By the time she got up, my daughter would have gone to school and my wife would have left for her office.   She will come to the hall and sit.   I will ask her if she wants coffee.   She will say yes. Then I will make coffee for her and give to her.   Apparently, she had told my wife that I make coffee better than my wife 😊 .   I make my own breakfast and was making my mother-in-law’s breakfast too during these 2 months 😊 .   Mostly it would be either dosa or poha.   I know how to make both of them!   By the way, poha is an instant one where one just needs to add boiling water to the poha mix and mix it well 😊😊 !!   Only on weekends, my wife would be making the breakfast for her mother!!   Sometimes she will make some other breakfast and I will then have to heat it up and serve it for myself and my mother-in-law, if it is done on a weekday!! Usu

99. Time spent with my Mother-in-Law 😊😊 – Part 2

Another blog on this subject 😊 Once my wife told her mother that she is sleeping while writing or watching TV and she should not do that.   She should lie down and then sleep, else she might fall down.   Her mother flatly refused and said she was not sleeping and was in fact doing something.   Next time, my wife told her mother that her son-in-law was saying that she was sleeping while writing or watching TV and she should stop doing other things and then go to sleep.   For this her mother said, if my son-in-law is saying this, then this must be true 😊😊 !! On a daily basis, I will be doing exercise by walking in the hall for about an hour.   The total distance one-way is about 14 meters and I keep walking this distance to-and-fro.   There are two “stretches” in this “track” where the space is restricted so that only one person can pass through this track.   In one place there are sofas and the recliner while at the other place, there is a showcase.   When I am doing this w

98. Time spent with my Mother-in-Law 😊😊 – Part 1

It all started sometime during the end of August.   Since my mother was away to stay with my brother in Jakarta, my wife wanted to call her mother to our home and make her stay with us.   Her mother was staying with her son in Bangalore at that time.   Both my wife and her brother were debating as to who will escort her to our place.   Both were not able to take time out from their busy schedule 😊 .   Fortunately, I was traveling to Bangalore to attend to a relative’s wedding and I offered to bring her with me.   That is how she came to our house and stayed with us for 2 months or so. She is around 80 years of age and usually stays with her two sons alternately, one in Chennai and the other in Bangalore.   She can walk on her own and uses a cane for support while walking.   She will be around 5.1 or 5.2 feet.   Since she is forgetful, she is not allowed in the kitchen to cook anything.   Almost all of her time at our house was spent only on these things: -        Seeing Tam

97 – General Notings!!

This is a random blog that I am writing.   The reason for this is that I am in Chennai and the blog that I was supposed to publish today is lying in my laptop in Hyderabad J . Normally I write the blogs earlier and have it uploaded and published on Saturdays.   In case I am travelling on weekend and I don’t take my laptop, I upload the blog a day before and then publish it on Saturday.   What happened this Friday was that I forgot to open my laptop at all!!   Since I consider myself to be an orderly man, I normally write down the things-to-do on a regular daily basis.   As I did not check the Friday schedule, some of the items became pending, the consequences of which I had to bear!! I was supposed to bring some medicines for my mon, who was coming for a function in Chennai.   I had bought the medicines and on Friday’s schedule it was mentioned as to be packed on Friday!!   I thought about this only after boarding the train!!   Since my mother was going to be in Chennai only