101. Interview Anecdotes – 1

Interview is something I have not been able to ace at all throughout my life.  Yes, yes, I know.  You will be wondering as to how I became so successful (I think I have done reasonably well in life😊), without having aced any interview at all😊!!  When I started to think about on this subject, I found that whenever there had been a mention of an interview, I have fared very badly during the interaction.  If you just change the word “interview” and replace it with “meet and talk”, then it seems I have done fairly well and have come out successful😊!!

I have come to realise that whenever the interviewer has trusted me and taken me aboard, I have done reasonably well in whatever post I was selected for.  If I was not able to ace the interview it seems that I was not destined to do it and that is the reason why I could not ace it😊.  It is always in hindsight that you feel that everything is destined to happen the way it should happen!!  Sometimes, remembering the past is a good thing as you will not unnecessarily worry if something does not go your way in future!!

During my college final year, NIIT had come to our campus for interviewing.  Since I had done B.Sc in Computer Science, it was felt that I will be a ready fit for their teaching institute.  At that time, I think I was attending some external exams and could not make it to the interview on the day that they had asked me to come for interviewing.  They had interviewed and had offered teaching post to many of my colleagues and many of them accepted it too.  I asked them for interviewing me later and they agreed for it.  The interview did not go well.  Maybe they had already filled their quota for that year or maybe they did not see me as a teacher teaching computer science to students😊!!  That was my first experience in getting interviewed!!

My next interview was for studying MCA at Delhi University.  This was sometime in 1990😊.  I had cleared their entrance exam and was shortlisted for an interview for the seat.  At that time, I was so confident of getting the seat that I did not even put a tick mark on MBA in the same form that was applicable for both MBA and MCA.  Both had a common exam followed by the interview.  Since I had ticked only MCA in the form, I attended the MCA interview.  

I was under the impression that they would talk about general stuff and some GK in the interview and I was fully prepared for that.  In the interview they started asking about the Computer Science subject!!  I had not prepared for that and did the interaction badly.  Suffice to say that I did not get the seat!!  

Later on, I got to know that If I had ticked the MBA portion also, I would have been shortlisted for the MBA course and there the interview would have been more generalized in nature rather than about the technical knowledge!!

Then I cleared the entrance examination of M.Sc (Computer Science) of Defence and Research Development Organisation (DRDO), Pune.  They asked me to book the train tickets to come to Pune for the interview saying that they will reimburse the fare.  So, I went to Pune and did miserably in the interview.  That implied that I did not get a chance to do M.Sc😊 there!!  

After college, I was not able to get into any universities for further studies.  I had attended various exams and attended various interviews but I was not getting selected anywhere.  I cleared the written test for MCA at BIM, Trichy, but the criterion was getting an aggregate of 70% in the college exams.  I had somehow managed, through my cousin’s help, to convince the University to take my interview before the college results were announced.  They also agreed to take the interview but said that admission would be given only if I got more that 70% in the college.  I missed the criteria by about 1.5%!!  

Having talked of failures, let me talk of successes from the next blog😊.  Cheers till then!! 

Today’s Daffy Definition

A Balanced Budget – A budget where the earning capacity tries to catch with the yearning capacity!!


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