279. Web-series Reviews – 112

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Happy Family – Conditions Apply Came out in 2023. The Dholakia family's household have four generations living under one roof and navigate the many ups and downs of their lives together. Starring Raj Babbar, Ratna Pathak Shah, Ayesha Jhulka and others.

One of the reviews from IMDB...

With every character being an exaggerated stereotype, and every episode trying to heavy-handedly cram some multiple messages down our throats, this show is an utter drag.

We only got through the first 2 episodes. The first episode was alright, because it had a bit more of a clear-cut story. Episode 2 just didn't make any sense at all. And in both, the comedy was extraordinarily flat, with poor delivery and writing that makes it seem more like the hip young people are disrespecting and berating the out-of-touch old geezers.

And what kind of "happy family" is this, that fights and insults each other so much over such little things? The title suggests the show is supposed to be relatable, but their "antics" are so out-of-the-ordinary that this has to be the most dysfunctional, bizarre TV family I've ever seen.

This ain't a happy family, to put it shortly. Really, it's rather disappointing

My take – I stopped after 3 episodes😊!


Boom Boom – The World vs Boris Becker – Came out in 2023. The film will explore the life of Becker, who became a tennis sensation when he won the first of his six majors at the age of just 17 and went on to have a glittering career, including 49 major career titles and an Olympic Gold.

One of the reviews from IMDB...

Watched boom boom last night and I was a fan of Boris Becker before but now I simply worship him.

The way the documentary is put together is really totally brilliant it shows all the comedic facets of the tennis player ; especially off court.

His life is a really quality soap opera with many characters starts with Romanian gangster-looking Ion Tiriac who might be straight as an arrow but has that look about him of a guy you would not want to mess around with. His first wife Barbara stupendously beautiful elegant classy and walked away with $14 million of his money and now lives the life of Riley/Rilette in Florida you can really feel that the love between these two will never go away; but then as a bit of R&R Boris in his infinite wisdom decided to go and fertilise a Russian waitress in a ; wait for this; Japanese restaurant in London named Nobu you really could not make this stuff up apparently he only had one session in a cupboard although he says it was not a cupboard but clearly it probably was a cupboard and she got in touch with him eight months later to say guess who's going to be a daddy again?? You could not script this stuff and get away with it...

But when Boris is around totally feasible a bit like the Boris around the UK for awhile maybe there is something in the name Boris which gives you carte blanche to act as a clown and entertainer wherever you are.

Then he took with a I think American woman who had more curves than Nurburgring Nordschleife and Interlagos combined you do not get to see her interviewed in this documentary we do get to see a lot of Barbara who is extremely loquacious About her former husband and father of her children and gives insights practically as informative as what Boris can provide us with

There are other ancillary characters like Nick Bollettieri who sadly passed away recently and is credited at the end of the film

The entire story of the two court cases the one in Germany where they did try to bang him up for 3 1/2 years and the one in the UK where he finally got given two years in 2022 served eight months and he's now back in Munich are to my way of seeing things a massive blot on the collective of the Western nations.

This man provided us with so much joy for so long starting in 1985 going all the way into the 90s it seems very very petty to hassle him over what is really in today's money a petty amount petty amounts nothing like what the real gangsters of Finance steal from us year in year out .... and get away with

Already had the example of Björn Borg who could never transfer from being a tennis star to being a citizen with businesses he had no idea how to run; so now if you add Boris to this story you already have all the elements to educate those future champions and to make sure number one they do not go off the rails once they finished their careers in their mid20s who else finishes a career in their mid 20s nobody is who and also to ensure that their financial matters are dealt with by people who are not there to rip them off which is clearly what happened here the man clearly has a heart of gold would give you the shirt off his back and yes you can see that he has a twisted side : the coughing technique he developed when playing against John McEnroe tells us that although he does pretend to be quite the angel Boris is everything but and basically somebody who could come up with trickery to capsize John McEnroe could run a few circles around a few people any day of the week and did quite clearly ....

I would not be surprised if he still had millions stashed away somewhere that nobody knows about but maybe not; in any case and I will reiterate this I think society cannot apply the rules of the normal citizen onto somebody who left school at 15 to become a worldwide icon well away from the normal lives of normal citizens and then turn round later on in their 30s 50s and 60s and expect them to be just like you and I and Ronald Belcher three doors away from your abode ... not a serious way to deal with folks who entertained you until you cried and laughed ,,,, as i said earlier : petty

This Documentary excellently made humorous almost all the time the scenes connected with the Japanese restaurant and the images of food to express sexual desire were astounding highly highly recommended to lovers of the game

There is much footage and interviews with Björn Borg as well who also made a pigs dinner of his earnings once he left the circuit they really are a pair of dimwits when taken off the court and quite frankly they do have a propensity for spending way beyond their means I think maybe Boris has now understood that time will tell but he really was living like an Oil Sheik without the means to back it up I seem to remember that Björn Borg did the same as well anyway a superb treat for sports lovers and people who simply like a good story.

My take – A definite watch!

American Manhunt – The Boston Marathon Bombing – Came out in 2023.  Follows the tragedy when terrorists detonated a bomb at the Boston marathon's finish line. They carried out the attack by placing two homemade pressure cooker bombs that resulted in three fatalities and numerous injuries.

One of the reviews from IMDB...

Other than having viewed other documentaries, and a recent drama tv-series about the triple murder that happened a few months before the marathon bombings, that this maybe one of the sturdiest and most neutral of them all.

Based on interviews of victims, runners, friends and law enforcement , a massive surge of new reels and amateur footage and stills, and lets not forget the terrible heartshooting sounds of screams and the shootouts from the manhunt.

What i miss though , is the part that i find most peculiar that they do not air, is the lack of interviews from the initial custodial moments, there must be hundreds of hours of search and research from the criminologists and psychologists that mustve interviewed the culprit, and this documentary doesnt give you a clue what happened in the courts. That should be the next story to tell for us non bostoners and non citizens of the usa(im norwegian).

Im not calling out for an hero, cause that is of course all the massachutinarians, but a bit more of the works of miss justicia wouldnt harm the case. As a conclusion i would say that matters of this kind will never come to an end, and im afraid that something like this will happen again. So in the mean time my message to the survivors and the people that lost loved ones, STAY STRONG FOREVER, and stay together in the memory of the deceased.

Well made and intense documentary, a recommend from the grumpy old man.

Another review from IMDB...

This documentary is in the stellar by any means, but it does give you a basic grounding of what happened during the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon. I take away from it two conclusions, that the pair of terrorists, two brothers who were the children of Chechen immigrants, were incompetent as terrorists and unfortunately the police chasing them were equally incompetent. Why do I think the terrorists were incompetent? They spent a great deal of time trying to construct bombs to kill and meme the most amount of people, and despite placing the bombs in a very crowded area, they initially only (thankfully) murdered three people and maimed a great deal more. If they had to just use the gun and started shooting they would have killed a lot more people, as America's problems with school shootings can attest. Then later they murdered someone because they were trying to steal his gun but didn't realize that gun holsters have security features which can prevent someone from stealing a gun and so this murder was completely unnecessary. They then hijacked a car and when the owner of the car escaped they didn't realize that they could be tracked using GPS. Then in a confrontation with the police they were separated, and the younger brother actually drove over the older brother and killed him. So in this horrible terrorist attack he killed four people, and one was his own brother. But why do I say the police were incompetent? Well, generally it was a lack of coordination - photos depicting the assailants were leaked to the Press and this caused an escalation of the situation. When the stolen vehicle was found the police who found it just thought that it was a carjacking and not a pair of highly armed terrorists, and several other police agencies responded to the scene and there was a large firefight within a Suburban neighborhood, and it was lucky no bystanders were killed by flying bullets in their houses. This is somewhat forgivable because things were moving at a very quick pace at this point. But then one of the terrorists managed to escape, and there was a citywide manhunt for him. He was found hiding in a boat that was covered by a tarp and the tarp was covered in blood. He was quickly surrounded, when an officer thought that he saw a gun and shot, then the other 30 or 40 officers surrounding the boat also shot at the boat for 2 or 3 minutes before the situation was controlled, and a ceasefire was ordered. The suspect did not have a gun, and it was very lucky he wasn't shot. You might be saying, why does it matter if he was shot or not he's a terrorist? Well, at this point they didn't know that it was only two brothers who had arranged this attack, they thought maybe it could be a larger terrorist group. And also, again, these shots were fired in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. One police officer was shot during the previous confrontation, most likely by friendly fire and killed. In the melee that surrounded the boat there were police officers who were not on duty who volunteered to arrive at the scene which seems like such a breakdown in the chain of command. One only hopes that their training has been updated, and that these problems would not happen in a similar future emergency.

My Take – A worthwhile watch!

Cheers till next time😊!!


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