33 Learn To Say NO

One of the most difficult things to do is to say NO to someone.  It may either an invitation for a function, or doing some favor or just telling him/her to leave you alone for some time.  Many a times we are forced to say YES to something and repent about it in leisure.  We want to be so good in the eyes of people that we readily say YES without thinking about anything.  If you keep continuing this way, be prepared to do a lot more than you imagined, when you accepted it in the first place!!

This NO can be anything ranging from accepting to baby-sit a child, going out on vacation with them, agreeing to car-pool, attending their function and other things that you feel you are burdened with and will not be enjoying. 

From our childhood it is ingrained in us to say YES to whatever we were told to do. During that time, since we had no other work than playing and going to school, we always agreed to do the work that was assigned to us.    Moreover, it was considered bad manners to decline someone.  The offended party would have kept our rejection in their mind and would have used it against us whenever it was favorable to them.

During those times, there we no gadgets around and we were forced to meet people on a regular basis.   If we had declined some work for someone, we were forced to meet them regularly and were always consumed by our guilt of having rejected doing their work.  This guilt forced us to do various things which we wouldn’t have done in the first place.  Our born-to-please attitude needs to get changed before we realize that we are doing only other’s work instead of concentrating on our likes and dislikes.

Just try saying NO to do something you do not like, to others.  Initially, they will feel anger and surprise that you have refused to do their bidding.  Over a period of time, they will come to know that you mean business and will do only what is good for yourself.  Let them sulk for some time.  Life is too short to carry on grudges.  If they return, it is good.  Else your life is much better without them having to come and spoil your life.  Understand that how their life is not going to affect you in any way, so too your life is not going to affect them at all.

Do things that you like instead of doing things that you are forced to do.  Doing the things you like will also make you happy and also help in building a cordial atmosphere at home.  If you are doing other’s work, you will be somewhat irritated and will be blaming yourself for having accepted it. This will also result in spoiling the mood at home by passing on this irritation to your spouse and kids.

So, learn to say NO and enjoy a blissful life!!  Cheers!!

P.S. – the “someone” mentioned above is not your near-and-dear ones!!  That call you have to take accordingly!!  The “someone” could be a distant relative, coming-out-of-the-blue-friends, people whom you don’t know in detail, your boss, your colleagues in office or such other people who are only out to take advantage of your kind nature!! Beware of them!!

Today’s daffy definition

Singing – A man’s bath-right!!


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