41 - Games that I used to play in my Childhood - 1

During my childhood, I remember we used to play so many games that it was never enough to call it a day.  Any free time that was available, there were a lot of those during that time, as there was no TV, no gadgets, no landline (at least my house did not have one and we used to give a PP number. PP meant Private Party or Personal Phone at neighbor house or “Padosi ke Paas wala” phone😊), I will be outside the house in the neigbourhood park, playing all sorts of games.  The next couple of blogs would be on those games that I used to play during my childhood, which are still vibrant in my memory. Of course, I will skip the games that are played even today like cricket, football, table tennis, volley ball etc.  If this helps to give some pointers to the present generation kids how to while away the time, usefully, this blog would have served its purpose.  I already have some 25 games noted down😊

1.    Ice Spies or Chuppa Chuppi.  I don’t know how the word “ice spies” came into being, but this is what we used to call it. Maybe it was I-Spy and over a period of time got to be called this.  It was a game wherein one kid used to close his eyes (he was called Den, no idea why😊) and used to count to 100.  While he/she is counting, other kids used to hide wherever they felt safe – either behind a tree, a bush, a neighbour’s cycle stand, behind a car, in a neighbour's courtyard, on a tree hidden behind the leaves or just behind the kid who was counting.  The Den is supposed to seek out all the kids who have gone hiding.  In case any of the kids he has not found out, is able to come and slap the place where the Den was counting and shout “Dhappa”, the Den kid has to again be the Den till he is able to seek out all the kids.  Once he has done that, the first kid that was found out by the Den, becomes the Den.  This game was usually played when there was no electricity at the colony. Since there was no light, the fun quotient was a notch higher.  The Den had to ensure that he is close to the place where he was counting as he should not let any kid that he has not identified to come and slap that place.  Sometimes, one kid hides behind 4-5 kids who have formed a chain and then this chain moves to the Den’s place.  The Den tries to identify the kid and the 4-5 kids who have formed the chain, ensure that the kid they are hiding is not identified. This hidden kid then tries to “Dhappa” before he gets identified.  The game normally ended when the electricity returned!!  Everybody ran home to finish their homework and study!!

2.   Langdi Taang – In English it will literally mean, Lame Leg!!  In this game, there were 2 teams.  The composition of the team depended on how many people had come to play the game.  Just divide them into 2 teams.  A square was made in the ground with a stick or a chalk.  This was about 20 X 20 feet.  After the toss, one full team will enter the square.  One person from the opposite team will enter the square on one leg and try to catch all the opponents.  He has to ensure that his other leg does not touch the ground at any time and he has to “Out” the opponent by touching him/her.  The opponents can run in the entire square but should not keep their leg outside the square.  In case they do so, they are “Out” and they have to exit the square.  In case the person who was chasing on one leg becomes tired and cannot continue, then another person from his team will go next on his one leg and try to catch the opponents. Once the entire team has been made “Out”, then that team becomes the chasers and the team that was earlier chasing, will enter the square and ensure they are not caught!!

That’s all this time!!  More in the next blog…. Cheers!!

Today’s Daffy Definition

Human Nature – That which makes us insult drivers when we are pedestrians and pedestrians when we are at the wheel!!


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