43 - Games that I used to play in my Childhood – 3

4.    Gilli Danda – This is a game wherein you use a big stick to hit a small stick😊. Of course, it is not so simple.  Check out the picture of a gilli-danda in the page (Pic 1).  You use the big stick (danda) to hit one end of the small stick (gilli). Once you hit one end lightly, the gilli will rise in height or come up slowly and it will be easy for you to hit it with the danda!!  It requires some practice.  But once you do it, it will immerse you in sheer delight throughout the game!!  Of course, only when you are hitting it!!  It can be played as a singles game or a team game.  In a singles game, one person is the hitter while the rest are fielders.  In a team game, one team are the hitters till each one is declared out and the other team is the fielding team.

Pic 2                                               Pic 1

A small pit/hole is made and the gilli kept on it horizontally.  Using the danda (see Pic 2) the hitter tries to fling the gilli as far as possible.  If any of the fielder catches the gilli before it hits the ground, the hitter is declared out.  In case no one catches the gilli, it will fall in the ground.  The hitter keeps his danda on the ground, above the pit in a horizontal manner.  The fielder then picks the gilli and throws it from where it had landed to hit the danda.  If he is able to hit, the hitter is declared out.  In case he is not able to hit, the hitter takes the danda and then hits the gilli lightly in order for it to come up and then strikes it with all his might. 

The hitter gets either one hit or three hits, depending on what law you are following that day for the game😊.  Three hits mean, he hits it one time, goes to the place where the gilli has fallen and come to a stop after the hit, takes a second hit from there and so on for three hits.  In case any of the hit is caught by the fielder, the hitter is declared out.  After the hits, the hitter comes back to where he started and keeps the danda down on the pit.  The fielder then has to throw the gilli from where it is, to hit the danda.  If he is able to hit, the hitter is declared out.  In case he is not able to hit, the hitter again takes the strike and hits the gilli from where the throw landed.  This keeps on continuing till the hitter is declared out either by the fielders catching the gilli or hitting the danda with the gilli.

There is one more variation to this game also.  It involves just hitting the gilli from the pit. If it gets caught, the hitter is out.  Else he can hit the gilli 1 or 3 times.  From the final landing, the hitter declares that from this landing place to the pit, I think the danda will be 50 “danda-distance” away. In case the fielders agree, he is awarded 50 points and he can start the process again.  In case the fielders say it not 50, they then measure the distance using the danda.  In case it is less than 50, the fielder is declared out.  If it turns out to be more than 50, the hitter gets 50 points.

     That’s all this time!!  More in the next blog…. Cheers!!

                 Today’s Daffy Definition

                Absurdity – A statement of belief manifestly inconsistent with ones’ own opinion!!


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