46 - Games - Rumaal

6.    Rumaal – Rumaal means handkerchief in English.  There are 2 games that I used to play in childhood.  Both are fun to play and can be played between 10-16 players.

The first one is a team game and the next one is a group game.  In the team game, the kids are divided into 2 teams.  Both having same number of players.  In the center of the ground a circle is drawn and a handkerchief is placed inside it.  About 10-15 metres on either side, a line is drawn and the teams occupy these two sides, opposite to each other with the circle in between.  You can also do a toss to decide which team takes which side.  The team members decide among themselves and allot a number from 1 to 5 or 1 to 8, depending on 5 or 8 members in each team.  In effect, both teams have the numbers 1 to 5 or 1 to 8 allotted to their players.  There is also a referee who will call out the numbers.  Once he calls out a particular number, the player who has been allotted that number, from each team, comes running to the center where the handkerchief is kept.  They will both try to circle the handkerchief and will try to take the handkerchief and run towards their line.  The objective of the game is to take the handkerchief beyond their team’s line without the opposite number player being able to catch or touch you😊. You get one point on successfully bringing the handkerchief back to your “home”. And then the handkerchief is again placed in the center for the next call.  You have to be totally attentive so that you are able to hear the number that the referee is calling out.  In case the other person having the same number is slow to come to the center, you just take the handkerchief and come running back to your line.  If he is able to catch or touch you before you reach the line, the other team gets a point.  You can play for 10 or 15 points.  And in case you have some more time, you can change the team and then play again.  To make the game more interesting, the referee might call another number too😊.  2 players having that number also now come to the center and circle the handkerchief.  Let us assume the referee first called number 2 and then number 4.  Now if number 4 takes off with the handkerchief, then only the player having the number 4 allotted to him in the opposite team, can chase and try to catch him😊.  Consider one more interesting scenario!!  After the referee has called out all the numbers from 1 to 5 or 1 to 8, so that each team knows which player has what number allotted to him, he can now call “1 to All”!!  Everyone comes to the center running and one guy takes off with the handkerchief to his “home”. Now the other team has to know which number is his’ and then accordingly their player with this number tries to catch him!!  Wow!!  That was total fun!!

The second game is the group game.  Players are made to sit in a circle.  A somewhat big circle.  One person, who is the Den, keeps on circling the players with a handkerchief.  He will then drop the handkerchief behind one of the players.  The players need to be aware if the Den is dropping the handkerchief behind their back.  Once the player finds the handkerchief behind him, he has to get up and chase the Den around the circle.  The Den has to ensure that he is not caught till he reaches the player’s empty place in the circle and sit there.  In case he is able to do so, the other player becomes the Den and the game continues.  Else if he is caught, he again becomes the Den and starts the game again!!  Continue playing the game till you enjoy it!!

That’s all this time!!  More in the next blog…. Cheers!!

                  Today’s Daffy Definition

Gossip – The art of saying nothing, in a manner that leaves nothing unsaid!!


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