64 - Be lazy and let things happen ๐Ÿ˜

Yes, you heard it right๐Ÿ˜Š.  Sometimes it is best to be lazy and let things drift for some time before you spend your mind/energy on it.  As long as you remember that the thing is still pending to be done, it is ok to relax for a bit and then do it.  Sometimes the thing itself will drift away or resolve itself without you having spent any time pursuing it!!

Remember when you used to worry earlier for very petty things and when it got resolved, you were wondering as to why you spent so much time worrying on it!!  That is what life teaches you.  The things that seem mountain today will turn out to be a molehill tomorrow.  So, stop worrying and let things slide till you can work on it to solve it or it gets resolved on its own. 

Your worrying about it is not going to help anyone.  The only thing that will happen is that you will be losing your sleep on it by imagining the worst that is going to befall you.  Tomorrow is anyways going to happen, whatever you may try to extend it.  Why unnecessary worrying?  Even if something happens that is not to your liking, can you do anything about that? No, right?  Then why worry.  Just relax and enjoy.  Life is too short to worry about things that is not in your control๐Ÿ˜Š.

I remember, I was playing tennis with 3 other friends, a couple of years back.  The tennis court was adjacent to a swimming pool as we were playing in a club.  One friend hit the ball so wide that it was about to go into the swimming pool.  I ran to stop the ball before it went in the pool.  While running, I tripped and fell.  My small finger and the ring finger on my right hand came between the tennis bat and the ground and the bones inside got crushed in between.  It took more than a month or two of physiotherapy sessions and other stuff to get them healed.  I was told by the doctor that when I get old the two fingers are going to create a big problem for me.  

Of course, in hindsight, if I had just let the ball go into the water, it would have taken us some time to remove the ball of its wetness and play again.  What happened was that the ball too got wet and I too suffered for trying to stop it!! 

Same thing happened when I was speeding in my two-wheeler to catch the bus for my wife’s office journey.  If I had slowed down, she would have missed the bus and maybe taken a cab or some other public transport to reach her office.  But in my hurry, I made both of us fall down and I ended up with a screw in my right leg having torn the ligament and also a piece of bone from my leg! 

With all these lessons learnt, I have slowed down in life and now take things very easy.  Like the lyrics of the Prabhu Deva song – “Take It Easy Policy”.   Any issue, it can wait.  No unnecessary tension.  Live life the way you want it.  The world will be there tomorrow also ๐Ÿ˜Š. 


Today’s Daffy Definition

Bore – Somebody, who, when you ask him how he is, tells you!


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