133. Childhood Reminisces – School Teachers – 1

I studied in a school in Delhi from 6th to 12th standard.  There are many instances of humorous anecdotes involving the teachers that it brings smiles to my face even.  And I am sure that it will bring smiles to my other classmates too.  Hope that these anecdotes also make you laugh, to while away your time. 

Even though these are amusing instances and some might seem to be belittling the teachers, but believe me, it is for spreading smiles only.  Without those teachers, I might not be in a position where I am now and these teachers have laid a solid foundation to my life.  And because of these instances, they are still vividly being remembered by me😊.

This was in 6th standard.  Mr S was a Maths teacher and I was considered his pet, as my Maths skills were exceptional at that time.  For some reasons, I don’t remember what, I did something in the class and the teacher asked me to go out and stand outside the class as a punishment😊.  This class had a door which while fully opened, could hide a whole person behind the door.   While serving my punishment, at a distance, I could see Mr S coming towards the class.  I immediately hid behind the door, opening it fully and hoping that Mr S would not have noticed me standing outside the class.  Mr S comes near the class door, coolly opens the door and asks me, “What are you doing here”?  I don’t reply anything as a cat had got hold of my tongue😊!!  He then asks if I was there due to some punishment.  I simply nod my head.  He then says “Good” and then coolly walks off😊.  Meanwhile, the entire class and the teacher taking that class are all looking outside the door at our little chitchat😊!! And while walking off, he makes sure that the door is kept in such a way that anyone from afar can view that I was standing outside the class😊!!

Another time, I was engaged in a fist-fight with another student in the hallway outside the class.  The fight was started by the other student.  Mr S sees us fighting, comes over, gets hold of me and gives a solid impression of his palms on my back😊.  When I told him that the other student started the fight, he gave me one more hit and told me that even if it was the other student’s fault, I should not have fought😊.

There was a teacher Mrs I who had a strange affliction, wherein one of her eyes kept closing on its own at regular intervals.  Mind you, not the usual closing of eyelids that happen together.  Only one eye will close which would really look like she is winking while taking the class😊.  Now our class did not have this teacher and we had heard of this from our colleagues at other sections.  So, while Mrs I would be taking the class in other sections, we would be walking in the corridor outside her class to see this phenomenon.  Finally, once, she did take to come to our class due to another teacher being absent and we were able to see this.

There was a teacher called Mr K, who was teaching us Physics.  Whenever he saw students talking in the class, his standard form of rebuke would be “You both of the three get out of the class”!!😊  Suddenly you find three students stand up and eyeing each other as to which two should go out of the class, as per the teacher’s remark.  Just when Mr K would seem to say something else, all the three would silently troop out of the class, lest we heard more gems from Mr K😊!!  Mr K would then wonder as to why 3 are going out while he had asked only 2 people to go out😊!!  He would then ignore them and continue with the class!!

We had an English teacher, Mr K (no relative of our current cricket captain, I assume) who was very jovial.  His entire repartee for rebuke was “You monkey, fool, kurangu (tamil word for monkey)”😊. I remember he had asked us to write an essay in the class and I had written about all the teachers in the school.  He was so impressed by that, that he asked me to read the essay to the entire class, twice!!  I remember writing the same above thing on him in the essay.  I remember writing in the essay about one more incident that I will write in the next para.  Unfortunately, I don’t have the essay with me now, it would have helped me in adding more stuff to the blog😊!!

There was a Sanskrit teacher, Mr R, who rarely came to talk while the morning assembly was going on, even though he would be present for the same with all the other teachers.  It was a strange coincidence that whenever he came to talk, I remember only 2 incidents, next day a prominent leader of our country would drop dead😊.  First it happened with the then prime minister of our country.  Next time another person died.  I remember writing this on the essay and then entire class was like – yes, yes, very true.

There was a biology teacher, Mrs S who was teaching us in 7th standard or so.  That was on my birthday.  While she was teaching, I was telling my friend Sashi that I will treat him in the canteen today since it was my birthday.  Suddenly I find a chalk flying through the air and hitting me😊.  She then asked me to go outside the class and stand (I think this was the standard punishment those days😊)!!  After the class, when she comes out of the class, I ask for forgiveness and I am allowed back in😊!!

Cheers!!  More teacher reminisces continues in the next blog too😊!!

Today’s Observation 

Conscious is when you are aware of something and Conscience is when you wish you weren’t😊


  1. Lovely post. Just to clarify, we always did things in class that left us outstanding.

    1. I think I was the one who literally "did" that😊😊


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