134. Childhood Reminisces – School Teachers – 2

Some more reminisces of my school teachers….

In the 8th Standard, we had an English teacher, Mrs KJ.  Since I was also the monitor of the class and also did well in the exam, I was in the good books of her.  That day it was the last period and she announced a holiday the next day due to some incident or something like that.  The following day was a Friday and hence we would get 3 days off.  As soon as she walked out of the class, the entire boys section of the class (boys and girls used to sit separately; right side 2 columns were boys and left side 2 columns were girls) stood up and started hooting!  Since the girls were sitting down, I could see Mrs KJ pass by the window and her eyes caught my eyes.  I just sat down with a sheepish grin.  On Monday, when she came to the class, she asked all the boys to stand up on the bench for causing too much noise earlier.  She then asked me if I was also indulging in creating noise.  I said yes.  She told me to keep standing then.  That day, all the boys attended her class while standing on the bench for about 40-45 minutes!! 

While studying in the 8th standard, one time, Sashi slapped a teacher very hard on his shoulder😊.  It happened in a corridor outside the classrooms.  Our uniform those days was white shirt and sky-blue trousers.  Now this teacher was also wearing somewhat similar clothes.  Sashi came up behind him, thinking him to be one of our friends, and slapped him hard on his shoulders.  While proceeding to say what he was about to say, he looked at this teacher and ran back for his life after apologizing to the teacher😊.  Poor Mr K couldn’t say or do anything.  He just carried on with his work.

We had one more Physics teacher, Mr E.  Since he was from Kerala, all his “p”’s were replaced by “b”’s!! So, it was simbly, bulley and so on.  His volume sounded like whollume!  One of his pet examples while taking the class was, “take a wooden box made of steel”😊!!

During the 9th standard, we had an English-cum-Class teacher, Mrs T.  I was also in her good books and was the monitor of the class.  She had asked all of us to write an essay on something for one page.  I wrote and showed it to her.  She was so impressed that she asked me to read it to the entire class.  After the class ended, me and my friends tried to go through the essay to see what was written so great, but we failed to come to any conclusion😊.    

Our Hindi teacher was Mr S.  He was the humblest teacher I ever had.  There was always a smile on his face while teaching and he will speak only in pure Hindi.  If you praise him even a little, you can find him being embarrassed.  One day, he was writing on the black board and we were supposed to copy what he was writing.  I don’t know in what mood I was.  I copied some from the board and then began writing something else in the notebook😊.  When I showed it to my classmate, he started laughing.  This made Mr S turn and come to our desk and he started reading what I had written.  He read a couple of lines and stopped before reading the other stuff (I presumeJ).  He looked at me and escorted me outside the class to stand there as punishment😊.  Since he escorted me outside the class, I could not close my notebook.  While standing outside, I frantically called my classmate using hand and mouth gestures, to at least close my notebook so that nobody else reads my notebook😊!!

We had our Engineering Drawing professor, who was very old, maybe in his 60’s or 70’s.  We used to call him Thatha (Grandpa), of course, not in front of him.  He was also impressed by me as I used to draw the diagrams that he gave for homework very well. 

This ends the recollection of my teachers.  Teachers generally liked me and sometimes it seemed that I was getting punished as I was their favourite student and they didn’t want me to do any bad stuff to spoil the reputation that they had made of myself in their eyes😊  During that time, all the students were afraid of the teachers and they gladly accepted all the beatings and punishment that they got, as a fair deal😊.  I think because of those beatings and punishment, we were conscious to do only good things in life and were able to reach whatever position we are now in.  Hats off to such teachers!!


Today’s Observation 

The politician’s problem is that he can’t see which is worse – the state of affairs or the affairs of the State😊


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