49 - Cheating in Cricket - The Australian Way!!

Last week, we had an opportunity to see at least 4 Australian cricketers cry.  I am sure that all of their cries were phony and were for the camera.  This behavior of Australians has been going on for so long that they have thought themselves to be invincible and capable of getting away with anything.  Just for a refresher, just click on this link http://www.espncricinfo.com/story/_/id/22961057/sanctimony-steve-waugh and you will get to see their behavior over the years.  Don’t forget to click on all the links in the page to see the actual video or the type of behaviors that Australians have been engaged in, over the years.  It is amazing that this type of behavior of the Australians have not been checked and nipped in the bud and was encouraged to sustain for so long.  It is prudent to say that there were not that many cameras covering the matches during that time, and also no social media.

The whole world saw how the Australians cheated at the Cape Town match. The fact that they cheated, when everyone nowadays is aware of so many cameras focusing on the match and players, amplifies that fact that they thought they would get away with it.  The fact is that they wantonly tried to change the contour of the ball.  In simple terms, this is called premeditation.  When a case gets to court, the sentence is more for premeditation than it is for impulsively done. 

I am also shocked at the number of Indian cricketers rushing to the Australian players defense stating that they know some of them to be very sincere.  If they had been sincere, they would not have had to resort to such tactics for trying to win the game.

We all know that Phil Hughes, another Australian, died as a result of a cricket ball hitting his head.  That time, Steve Smith was supposedly very devastated as he had played with Phil right from the junior cricket.  There was so much emotional outpouring that it looked genuine.  Come the next Ashes, we have the same Steve Smith being heard in the microphone, telling James Anderson of England, that his bowler is going to knock his head off!!  And we still have the Australian bowlers aiming for the batsmen’s head while bowling.

The same Steve Smith, gets a “brain fade” moment in India last year when he has been declared out!!  These Australians think that they are entitled and they can do whatever they want. 

I think this story is still not over.  Over the next few days or weeks we will hear about Steve Smith not knowing about it and how he had told Warner and Bancroft not to do it. But since they had done it, he being the captain had to face the music!!  We might also hear Bancroft being pressurized to do it by Warner.  Warner will be made the scapegoat as he has built a reputation for himself over the years by bullying whoever he has thought to be vulnerable.


Today’s Daffy Definition

Maintenance Free – It means that when it breaks, it cannot be fixed!!

PS – “The Games” series have taken a break for 2 weeks.  Next week blog would be of my being bed-ridden since February 2018 and how I have been coping with that!!


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