112. How I Met My Wife 😊

How apt to publish this blog on me turning 50 today and just a few days before my anniversary😊!!

I met her first on 1st December 1996.  The date is not the story😊.  The story is how I met her.

I was working in Delhi that time and I had to go to Bangalore for some work in the head office.  Those days, my parents were looking out for a match for me.  They told me that there are 3 girls lined up in Chennai and whenever I have the time, I can go to Chennai and meet them and their families.  My company was paying the airfare for the to-and-fro from Delhi to Bangalore.  I asked the HR to make the return air ticket from Chennai to Delhi.  I went from Bangalore to Chennai by bus.

I went to my Uncle’s house in West Mambalam.  I was told that he and his wife and one more aunt of mine will accompany me to all the three places.  There were 2 two-wheelers available and we 4 can travel in them.  The meetings were sufficiently fixed so that there was time to visit all three and spend some time at all the places.  Before we started, I had told my uncle that if I don’t like the girl, I will give him some indication and we can then hasten things and come out of the place.  I also told him that I don’t want the girl to sing for me and that I will need some time alone with her for talking to see if we are compatible.  He agreed to all of this.  But said that the “talking alone” will be dependent on the family, as Chennai was still very conservative at that time.

We went to the first place. The girl had her entire head covered in flowers and had too much makeup on her face.  The girls’ family asked the girl to do namaskarams to us.  I refused and asked her to do namaskaram to my uncle and aunts instead.  Within the next 2 minutes I indicated to my uncle that we can leave now.  He was more interested in eating the “bajji” and halwa that was kept there.  Later he told me that since they had already prepared it, it would be bad if we did not take it 😊.  Anyways, we left the place in the next 10 minutes informing them that we will let them know.

While going to the 2nd place, I got hit by muddy water, thanks to a truck that overtook me.  It had rained the previous night and roads were somewhat muddy.  My shirt got dirty. I tried to stop at a nearby place which had a tap and tried to remove the mud.  The mud did come out but it left deep marks on my shirt😊!!  We then went to a shop and I got myself a new shirt.  We then proceeded to the next place, which was my to-be-wife’s place.

She also wanted to do namaskaram to me, as per the instructions from her family. I told her that she can instead do the namaskaram to my uncle and aunts.  I indicated to my uncle that I wanted to talk to her alone.  In the meanwhile, the girl was asked to sing a song.  While she was singing, I was trying to catch the attention of my uncle and wanted him to ask the family if I can speak to her alone.  Someone from the family saw my “indications” and asked what I wanted.  I then said that I wanted to speak to the girl alone.  They were initially shocked but then allowed me to speak to her in the next room.

The talk went for over half an hour.  During the talk, my aunt came twice to the room and asked me if our talk was finished.  I said it will take a few more minutes.  Later on, I came to know that my wife’s family and my uncle/aunts had finished all their “general” talking and were just waiting for our talk to be over😊.  Hence my aunt was sent to the room to see if we had finished our talking.   During the end of the talk I told the girl whether it was ok for her, if I said ok to the marriage. She said ok.  We came out and I told the girls’ father that my father will call and talk to him the next day.  I am still not able to understand why I did not say Yes then and there😊.  Maybe I wanted my father to convey the news rather than myself.  Later I asked my uncle to call the 3rd place and inform them that we will not be able to make it that day as I had already found my wife!

The engagement was fixed on 13th December and the marriage happened on 20th February the next year.  After the first meeting. I saw my wife only a day before the marriage.  The engagement happened without my presence😊.  What to do, I was totally committed to my work that time😊!! A few months after the marriage, my wife told me that her brothers had told her that I looked like Aravind Swamy (of Roja and Bombay fame) 😊, when I first visited her place. I am sure it was not due to my tummy as that was earned some 4-5 years after my marriage!!  Or maybe either me or my wife’s leg was being pulled😊😊!!


Today’s Daffy Definition

Wife – The woman who stands by her husband through all the trouble, he wouldn’t have had, if he would have stayed single 😊😊!!


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