3. Changing "Status" in WhatsApp

Nowadays, people seem to have been bitten by a new phenomenon – the “Status” in WhatsApp, where they are busy uploading several photographs or comments or anything they feel good about.

Frankly, I have used this option only once to add a photo.  I am told that once you have updated the “Status”, you keep getting reminders after every 24 hours to change the status to something else.  This means someone is making you work extra time to use the Application!!

Now let me come to the part that no one seems to realize.  I am sure everyone has stored lots of numbers on their phone including their friends’, their once-upon-a-time-friends’, their maid, their milkman, their watchman, their plumber, their electrician, their kids’ school bus driver, some random guy who sold them some insurance policy 2 years back, the neighborhood uncle who keeps staring at your daughter or sister and so many other types of people.

When you change your WhatsApp “Status”, all the people in your phone number list, get a notification to check your latest status!!   It is true!!  Imagine you uploading images from your recent vacation or even your current vacations as “Status” updates.  All the people mentioned above are also seeing them!!  Imagine you uploading the image of having dinner at a restaurant and the person 2 tables away also get to see it!!

Imagine your building watchman asking you, when you arrive home after a vacation, how the hotel room was in Kulu Manali!!  Imagine you come home from your vacation and find your house robbed!!  One of the contacts on your phone list had known that you were away and has used the opportunity! You get the point right?

Technology helps you only so much.  Don’t use features just because they are there to use.  Think about the consequences and use them only if you are ok with it.  Otherwise, don’t worry.  No one is going to pounce on you to share photos.   If you really need to share, send the photos directly to them or make a group of your close friends and share the photos there.

And stop updating photos from the vacation.  You went for a vacation to avoid all this (I presume😊😊).  Enjoy your vacation and come back.  The photos and your friends can wait as both are not going anywhere else.

Enjoy new technologies wisely after properly understanding them.  Cheers!!

Today’s daffy definition

Polling Booth – A place where you stand in line for a chance to decide on who will spend your money!!


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