4 Movie with Photos

With the advent of camera in the mobile phones, everyone is now a photographer.  Every day people take so many photographs that over a period of a couple of days, you forget what you clicked the other day!!

Imagine meeting your friend after a function at their place.  The friend shows you a big physical photo album for you to browse through!!  You can’t say NO and spend the next 20-25 minutes looking at the photos and giving them appropriate feedback.

Now imagine if, instead of a big album, they play you a movie with the photographs of the function, with humorous comments on each photo and a popular song playing in the background!!   Wouldn’t this be a far more enjoyable activity that looking through the bulky album!!  With the movie, the function also gets remembered for a long time.

Long time ago, so long time ago, that I forgot when, while collating an album with my son’s photographs, an idea formed in my mind.  Instead of showing general photos of my son for family members and friends, why not add a humorous caption/text to each photo so that anyone who sees these photos will enjoy them.  Once I made the album with texts and added a song in the background, the output was fantastic! 

Over the past two years, I have made around 24 such movies and each have been a “hit” with my family and friends.  Of course there are some who feel that I have made fun of them.  I compensate by making fun to “me” too in these movies.  In life you have so many problems.  I just do my bit in spreading some happiness😊😊

You can view and enjoy one such movie that I made on myself at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C0vrVEoO34

I like to take a lot of photographs. Usually I try to take photographs without the subject noticing that their snap is being clicked.  Casual photos turn out to be much better for adding captions!! You can see me getting "caught-in-the-act" in the below snap😊

Nowadays whenever I go to any family function, I find many people keep looking at me to check whether I am clicking them!!  For some of the functions, I have stopped taking photographs.

In case you are interested in having a movie done for you, please get in touch with me on my email and we can discuss the commercials😊😊.  Cheers!!

Today’s daffy definition

Tears – Force by which the masculine will-power is defeated by the feminine water-power.


  1. Technology is a tool that we humans use to overcome our physical limitations and expand our mental horizons.While emancipating us , technology also emaciates us in many ways. Digital photography is awesome. Your digital albums , spiced with funny texts and background music create a film-like experience. At the same time the excitement is fleeting. Once it is over, it is forgotten. The screen is not built for nostalgia and reminiscences. People seldom go back to digital productions for a second look. The album looks outdated, bulky , uses up physical space and is plain and unsophisticated when compared to its digital cousin.At the same time, the physical act of holding an album in our hands and looking at the paper based photos triggers brain activity that is linked to human emotions like joy, longing, and sense of well-being . We can always go back to the album whenever we want. This is a general critique of technology. Not a remark about your hobby. Please carry on.

    1. Nowadays the physical album itself weighs more than 5 kgs!! You have to ensure that you do not harm yourself with the album :-).


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